After School Program (ASP) - Junior High


Mae Hensley Junior High


Blaker-Kinser Junior High


Cesar Chavez Junior High


After School Program (ASP) in Jr. High

How does the After School Program work at the Junior High Schools?

The ASP program offers a variety of classes either before or after school.  A student has the opportunity to earn credits each quarter for regularly attending an intervention class and earning a passing grade.  Another purpose of the ASP classes is to give students who are in need of extra support.  The tutoring program is not only an academic support for both 7th and 8th graders, but it is also designed to give 8th grade students the opportunity for credit recovery. The credits are used towards promotion.

 Please contact the school directly, as dates/times and courses may differ from site to site.

Mae Hensley

After School Academic Intervention
Academic intervention is on a teacher referral basis. 
Students who are not meeting grade level standards in their core subjects are referred. Intervention teachers will contact parent/guardian for consent for student to commit to a certain number of days/months. 
This program provides students with additional academic support from teachers in the areas where they are struggling.
Students are referred by teachers to this program and are highly recommended to attend after school. 
This program is intended in filling the gaps needed to be on track for promotion. 
This program is held from 2:40-3:40 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday.
Intervention will not be held on early release, minimum days and parent-teacher conferences. 

After School Tutoring
Tutoring is on a walk-in basis. Students must sign-in and out when they arrive and leave the tutoring room.  During this time students are given the opportunity to complete missing assignments and/or assessments. If a student is attending ASES, they must sign in with ASES before going to the tutoring room.   A student may earn 2.5 credits each quarter for regularly attending an after school class. The credits are used towards promotion. This is a great opportunity for credit recovery.  This program is held from 2:40-3:40 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday.  Tutoring will not be held on early release, minimum days and parent-teacher conferences. 

Cesar Chavez

Tigers Den
Tigers Den is held every day during each grade level lunch period. Teachers and/or Learning Directors assign students to Tigers Den to be given the opportunity to complete missing assignments and/or assessments. Walk-ins are also allowed.

Tutoring is on a walk-in basis. Credentialed teachers will help with assignment completion and support in practicing a skill. See below for important information: 
 - There will be no afternoon tutoring on days that we have early release, minimum days, and parent-teacher conferences.  
 - Students must sign in at ASES before going to the tutoring room. They MUST have a form on file. If your student does not have a form, please pick one up in the front office. 

Before/After School Academic Intervention
Academic intervention is on a teacher referral basis. Students who are not meeting grade level standards in ELA/Math are referred. The students assigned Learning Directors will contact parent/guardian for consent for student to commit to certain number of days.  The objectives are to provide extra help in reading, writing, and math and to support students in filling the gaps needed to be on track to proficiency in grade level Common Core standards. ELA/Math academic intervention are offered in the morning and afternoon. 


After School Tutoring
• Tutoring is open to all Blaker-Kinser students. Students must sign-in and out when they arrive and leave the tutoring room. If a student is attending ASES, they must sign in with ASES before going to tutoring. 
• During tutoring students are given the opportunity to complete missing assignments and/or assessments.   
• After School Tutoring is held from 2:40-3:40 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday.  Tutoring will not be held on early release, minimum days and parent-teacher conferences. 
• A student may earn 2.5 credits each quarter for regularly attending an after-school tutoring program or Academic Intervention. The credits are used towards promotion. This is a great opportunity for credit recovery.  

Extended Shark Time: Before/After School Academic Intervention
Academic intervention, known as Extended Shark Time, is on a teacher referral basis. Extended Shark Time provides students with additional academic support from teachers in the areas where students are currently struggling. Students who are referred are highly recommended to attend the program. Students who are not meeting grade level standards in their specific subjects are referred by their teachers. Blaker-Kinser's Community Liaison will contact parent/guardian for student to commit to participating in Extended Shark Time. This program is intended in filling the gaps needed to be on track for promotion. The times for Extended Shark Time Intervention vary by teacher. Extended Shark Time occurs on Tuesdays-Thursdays. Students will receive a call slip reminder on the day of their intervention. Intervention will not be held on early release, minimum days and parent-teacher conferences. 

Summer School

Summer School runs at Mae Hensley, Blaker-Kinser and Cesar Chavez Junior High Schools. It is a 4-5 week program that provides a student the opportunity to earn credits towards promotion to the next grade level.